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Monday, May 9, 2011

Confused Conversation

The sky is blue – no the sky is purple – no the sky is gray – huh? What sky? 

Have you ever tried to communicate with someone and it is like you say what you mean in as clear a manner you know how and they look at you with a confused look not getting it?  They say “huh”?  You begin to feel as if you are from a different planet and have lost the ability to connect with a person.

I am told this happens a lot between the male and female gender.

It can also happen to friends, coworkers and family.  We come to a conversation with preconceived notions.  Our past enters into the present conversation.  Communication pollution occurs.   We are not listening with a clear sense of hearing.  The understanding of the words can be tainted through what our mind “interprets” the words to mean. For example, if a person from England came up to you and asked you where the “loo” was would you know they were looking for the nearest bathroom?  

When you are confused about the meaning or intent of a person’s comment perhaps you can ask, “What do you mean?”  If you just assume what is meant, it could be you are setting yourself up to be confused.


  1. Really true. Assumptions are an important element of healthy communication, along with reflective listening, clarification and asking questions. Thanks for your post.

  2. Thank you for following this blog. Communication is so important. Because of our individual frames of reference we all "hear" words in our own way. Communication becomes a challenge when we say one thing and are heard in another way.
