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Monday, May 9, 2011

Arise and Shine!

“Get up!” I shouted in the most loving voice an irritated mother could have as my six-year-old son lounged in bed.

We had 45 minutest to get ready for school and the clock was ticking.  When I see my son struggling in the mornings, I have flashbacks of my teen years when my father would come into my bedroom and open the curtains and turn on the lights leaving my room with the door wide open.  He never shouted.  Dad quietly made his desires known.  I hated the invasion and preferred lounging in my bed until Noon.

Isn’t it funny how we see ourselves in our children? The behaviors we have they will imitate. My older son’s father would place his dollar bills on the nightstand. I remember the first time I saw my teenager do the same thing. My younger son has learned to repair things when they are broken . . . .  just like daddy. When I shout in irritation, I may hear an echo later in the day with my son shouting at me in irritation. When I say please and thank you, I may hear my son returning the same kindness. We teach our children through our behaviors.

What are you teaching your child today?

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