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Monday, July 4, 2011

Symptoms of Chronic Sleep Deprivation

Not Enough Rest Can Cause Many Problems
Sleep restores the mind and body.

Lately I have been waking up with both of my hands feeling numb.  I may be sleeping wrong - I read somewhere it can be something to do with the spine and the blood flow.  Of course, I may be working on the computer too much.  Or it could be lack of sleep.  I work out of a home office.  For years I was employed at an office.  I was required to get to work early in the morning and developed a daily routine of getting up early and staying up late.  Way too often I would stay up until the wee hours of the night and than crawl out of bed just making it to work in time.  I became sleep deprived.  I know this because, my body would ache, I was depressed, I felt hazy, and when I returned home I was crabby and exhausted. I had increasing illness and developed high blood pressure. 
It is estimated that close to 74% of Americans do not get enough sleep.  For optimum health, person requires 7 - 8 hours of sleep a day.  Why do we need to sleep?  

Our body's are not designed to go and go and go.  Sleep is God's way of restoring the body, mind and soul.  During sleep the body will fall into REM or deep sleep. Dreams occur during deep sleep.  Dreaming allows our mind to restore and resolve inner conflicts. Dreaming is also a time of heightened intuition.  It is through dreams that a person may resolve problems, develop spirituality or sense a need another person has at the time.  If sleep is interrupted or disturbed in some way there is a lack of deep sleep. 
What are some of the symptoms of not enough sleep?
* Depression and Irritability
* Feeling Stressed Out
* Poor Decision Making
* Headaches
* Inability to Concentrate
* Weight Change
* Increased Illness
Sleep is important to life expectancy.   One of the ways to prolong your life is to get enough rest. Tonight, go to bed early and when you are able - take a nap.  Let your body regenerate.

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