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Monday, June 20, 2011

Dispelling the Myths of Change

I Want to Change But . . . 

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can every achieve greatly."  Robert F Kennedy
Many times we know we need to make a change.  We may even want to make a change.  We might even take the first step to change.   But something happens . . . .we stop, get redirected, give up, reconsider, or just plain quit.  What is going on?  Why is change so hard?

Let's face it we are creatures of habit.  Even when life is not ideal, we would rather keep it the same . . .than face the risk of making a change.

I have discovered that there are some myths about change.  These myths - if believed to be true - will get in the way of making a change.  Here are four myths about change:

Myth 1 - The belief that life is stable.  The truth is that life is full of change.  Change is going to happen, so we might as well plan for the change.

Myth 2 - The belief that change is an admission of failure.  The truth is that making a change may be the result of growing in maturity.  The desire to live life in a more healthy manner is not a sign of failure - it is just the opposite a sign of maturity.

Myth 3 - The belief that change should be spontaneous.  The truth is that our lives do have daily goals and structure.  Why not plan some healthy change?

Myth 4 - The belief that change will make matters worse.  The truth is that healthy change will bring about a more positive lifestyle which makes a person better able to handle life.

Perhaps you are thinking about making a change.  You need to know that change is possible.  You can decide to make a change for your life to be better.  Today may be the day that you take the first step toward living a healthy life.

To learn more about change check out the website:

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