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Friday, July 8, 2011

Drug Use on the Job

Drug Free Workplace Meets Drug Use Workers

"It is estimated that 75% of all adult drug users are employed." NIDA
NIDA estimates that 75% of all adult drug users are employed in the workplace.  As are most binge and heavy alcohol users.
Today is a summer Friday.  This weekend employees may want to cut loose and go to happy hour, a beach or pool party, have a barbeque, spend time at an amusement park, go to the lake, attend a baseball game, play video games or some other recreational activity.  Many times these activities include the use of drugs and alcohol.  Friday, Saturday and even into Sunday the partying continues.  Monday morning arrives .  . . . . instead of being rested from the weekend, an exhaustion from the weekend of "celebrating" occurs.  There is a reason Mondays are manic and hated.  Going to work hungover and worn out is no fun - not to mention unproductive.
What are the signs an employee is abusing substances? 

Here are seven signs an employee may be abusing substances:
1. Changes jobs frequently.
2. Frequently late or absent from work.
3. Takes excessive sick leave particularly Mondays.
4. Inconsistent work habits with low productivity and missed deadlines.
5. Difficulty concentrating on work.
6. Frequent mistakes and errors in judgment.
7. Does not follow procedures.

All too often a manager will ignore these telltale signs of poor performance.  Coworkers may cover up or pick up the additional workload caused by a substance abusing employee or manager.  Managers may have a fear of confrontation that will not allow them to take corrective action.

Please note these seven signs could be from other issues such as family turmoil, illness or burnout.  However, whatever the reason, an employer may want to take a closer look at an employee who is showing these signs.

For more information on NIDA:
To find out how to get help for addiction:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recovery and Speaking the Truth

Lying - A Deliberate Untruth

Have you ever heard the following:
"How do you know if an addict is lying? 
Their lips are moving."  
You may think it is only an addict, criminal or child who will lie.  The truth is that most people lie in everyday conversation. (Study at UMass).
Speaking the truth is a sign of maturity and health.  All too often people want to cover up, embellish, hide or tell a lie.  Why do people lie?  The top reason is image. Another reason people lie is they have something to lose. For example, a teenager will lie to avoid getting grounded.  A spouse will lie to maintain a relationship. Bottom line, a person lying wants to look good.  
Speaking the truth is a sign of maturity
Lying starts in childhood.  Children may lie because they are imitating their parents.  Think of it - the telephone rings, Mom says, "Tell them I am not home." That is a flat out lie.  She is home.  The child sees this and thinks telling a fib is a normal thing to do. 

Common lies: 
I have a headache.
I did not do it.
I'm fine.
I never said that.
I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.
I was just kidding.
I was only trying to help. 
Tell them I am not home.
I am feeling sick.
I did not see the speed limit.
I only drank one.

How can you tell if someone is lying to you?  Look for the common signs.

Seven Common Signs of Lying
1. No eye contact.
2. Voice change - stammering
3. Unusual body language - blushing, fidgeting.
4. Inconsistent statements.
5. Overly defensive.
6. Use of humor or sarcasm.

Watch the video to see the signs of someone lying: 
To learn more about lying check out:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Symptoms of Chronic Sleep Deprivation

Not Enough Rest Can Cause Many Problems
Sleep restores the mind and body.

Lately I have been waking up with both of my hands feeling numb.  I may be sleeping wrong - I read somewhere it can be something to do with the spine and the blood flow.  Of course, I may be working on the computer too much.  Or it could be lack of sleep.  I work out of a home office.  For years I was employed at an office.  I was required to get to work early in the morning and developed a daily routine of getting up early and staying up late.  Way too often I would stay up until the wee hours of the night and than crawl out of bed just making it to work in time.  I became sleep deprived.  I know this because, my body would ache, I was depressed, I felt hazy, and when I returned home I was crabby and exhausted. I had increasing illness and developed high blood pressure. 
It is estimated that close to 74% of Americans do not get enough sleep.  For optimum health, person requires 7 - 8 hours of sleep a day.  Why do we need to sleep?  

Our body's are not designed to go and go and go.  Sleep is God's way of restoring the body, mind and soul.  During sleep the body will fall into REM or deep sleep. Dreams occur during deep sleep.  Dreaming allows our mind to restore and resolve inner conflicts. Dreaming is also a time of heightened intuition.  It is through dreams that a person may resolve problems, develop spirituality or sense a need another person has at the time.  If sleep is interrupted or disturbed in some way there is a lack of deep sleep. 
What are some of the symptoms of not enough sleep?
* Depression and Irritability
* Feeling Stressed Out
* Poor Decision Making
* Headaches
* Inability to Concentrate
* Weight Change
* Increased Illness
Sleep is important to life expectancy.   One of the ways to prolong your life is to get enough rest. Tonight, go to bed early and when you are able - take a nap.  Let your body regenerate.