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Friday, July 22, 2011

Serenity is a Benefit of Time in Nature

Serenity May Be Experienced in Nature

Driving on a back road through the forest I sense the stress of the world begin to fall off my shoulders.  Arriving at my destination, I get out of the car and stroll through the woods.  I find a bench.  Sitting quietly, I listen. I hear the rustling leaves in the wind.  I feel a cool breeze pass. I smell a freshness in the forest.  Ahhhh peace. 
When a teenager is troubled, the family may send the teen to a recovery center that is located by the beach or in the mountains.  It is in this natural surrounding that the teen will begin to discover their powerlessness.  Spending time in nature, reveals there is a creator. 

Man did not make the trees, the birds, the ocean.  No, they were created . . . . . and through this realization,  a sense of awe occurs.

My soul calms itself when I sit in natural surroundings. Sitting, thinking, journaling, praying or even napping in nature can bring a serenity to the soul. 
I become calm.  The worries of the world slip away.  My spirit communes with the Holy Spirit and there is a peace. There is a knowing that I am not alone.  That I will "make it."  I can surrender and be at peace - one day at a time.

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