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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pausing to Hear God's Whisper

Taking a Daily Quiet Time

I picked up a book at the local Goodwill store the other day.  It is called "The Power of a Whisper" by Bill Hybels.  Reading it this morning, I am reminded of the importance of cultivating a quiet time in my daily routine.  When I was a child, my mother would instruct me to have a quiet time in the afternoon.  I was to remain in my room and rest.  I could take a nap or quietly read a book. I was not allowed to make any noise.  
A quiet time sitting in nature.
Over the years, I have learned the benefit of a daily quiet time.  As a Christian, a morning or afternoon time of being still and quiet helps me to hear God's gentle whisper. 
I admit, I am not always so spiritual,  more often I am just plain exhausted.  In the afternoon, I will sit in my recliner and take an hour nap.  A mid day time of quiet and rest restores my body and mind.  Resting prepares me for the afternoon and evening conversations and interactions.
Let's face it, making changes for a more healthy lifestyle is not easy.   Sometimes it is downright exhausting.  Bringing a balance of rest and activity into the daily process can assist when the stressful times mount up.   
I realize you may not be able to nap during the day.  However, it may be possible for you to step outside and pause in nature.  When you have a break at work, perhaps you can step outside for five minutes and quietly reflect on your day.  The point is to slow down and stop the noise.  To be still and rest.  To pause and listen for God's gentle whisper. 

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