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Monday, July 23, 2012

The Key to Facing Fear

I am a creature of habit.  I am comfortable with my daily routine. I do not like change.  And I especially do not like change when it is imposed on me.  If I am to make a change - it helps when it is my idea.
When a project is my idea, I have an ownership of the project.  For example, if I decide to go to the gym to work out - I am more apt to go.  If I am told I need to go work out and do it three times a week - I probably will have a resistance rise up in me - that says "no way!"
Yes, I have a rebellious spirit.  I do not like being told.  I also can be fearful of change.  Change has a lot of unknowns, what ifs, and oh nos that come with it.  I fear change.
Courage is a response to fear.
I have learned that courage is a response to a fearful act.  You do not need to have courage, unless you are afraid.  If I decide to bungee jump off a bridge, I would be terrified.  Courage would be needed to get me to move off the point and take the leap.  MAking a change in recovery may feel like taking a leap off a bridge.  Will the bungee cord hold my weight?  What will be the outcome?  What if I fail? What if the cord breaks?  Risk is involved in taking the leap.  Taking a risk is the first step of change.  I found that making a change is easier when I have cheerleaders to cheer me on.  Change with a partner or a group is much easier than going it alone.  If you are facing the decision to make a change and are afraid . . .you may want to talk about it.  If your change involves you deciding to begin your recovery - send me an email and perhaps I can be your cheerleader.

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