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Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Went to Church Today . . .

God Loves Me . . . I Will Choose to Love You

Country church in Iowa, USA
I went to church today.  Attending church is important to me.  I have not always wanted to go to church.  One day, I read a book by Phillip Yancey "Church Why Bother."  He explained in the book that church is the vehicle Christ left for us to gather, use our spiritual gifts and have a safe community to share His love.  
Today in church, I sat obediently in my chair - we don't have a pew in the 10:10 service.  I stood and sang and sat and sang.  Our family gave our tithe.  We prayed we listened.  We gathered with others and ate donuts and drank coffee.  I participated in my church duty.

This evening I took my Vespa for a ride in the country.  I had a chat with God.  I told him that I don't always like to be around people.  When I am around people I feel all these expectations.   I cannot live up to these expectations. I feel pushed and swayed by others opinions and needs.  I find myself lost and I forget who I am.  At times, I lose hope.  God reminded me that after Jesus spent a lot of time with people He would spend time alone.

When I am alone talking to God I feel love.  I feel strong.  I feel special.  I realize that God designed me with a purpose.  I believe I have unique gifts and talents.  

When I am around others - I start to feel inferior.  There is always someone prettier.  There is always someone more capable.  There is always someone who has more possessions.  Instead of celebrating my uniqueness and beauty.  I start to berate myself and fault find.  

I feel safe when I am with God - all alone.  No one watching. Just me and God.  God loving on me and me loving on God.  Why oh why is it so hard for people to love each other?

It occurs to me that loving is a choice not just a feeling.  I can love others whether they love me or not.  I can reach out in kindness and compassion and be the inspiration to spread love - oh how we need it today.

The greatest commandment is to Love God and Love Others.   Loving others begins with me and it begins with you.  Today find one person you can encourage with love.  Help them to feel special and to know they have a purpose.  Be the church to someone who needs to experience God's love and community.

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