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Monday, August 1, 2011

3 Keys to Embracing Hope

If you hang out with me for any length of time, you will discover that I take pictures everywhere I go.  I saw these words on a sign during a Christmas visit to Washington, DC.  The words are "embracing hope."  
Being a relatively new full time caretaker to my disabled husband has sunk me into a premature grief.  I have come to accept that he is not going to get better and our life will change permanently.  Coming to this realization, I found myself  depressed.  
I have always found the spoken word helpful when I am discouraged.  On my shelf I had three volumes of tapes from motivational Christian speaker Zig Ziglar.  Driving in my car, I began to listen to his encouraging and very funny teaching.  Zig talked about having hope.  
Hope is a critical element in considering the future.  Without hope, well, frankly a person may think about giving up.  
Contemplating the word H-O-P-E . . . I think of how powerful that four letter word really is.  Hope - is a word based on today with a promise of good things for the future.  
Where does our hope come from?  Is it possible to self-generate hope?  
I have found there are three keys to embracing hope:  
The first key is having faith.  Realizing there is a higher power a God who will never leave nor forsake me.  I do not have to face my future alone.  
The second key is being in community. When I hang out with friends or family, I feel a sense of belonging and love.  Again, I realize I am not alone.  
The third key is reviewing my life.  I did not get to be a member of AARP without going through a lot of life experiences.  I have had many challenges and have successfully survived tough times.  In reviewing my life, I realize that I can make it.  Hope is the lifeblood to longsuffering.  Embracing hope is important when the future is unknown.

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