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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sober Fun - A Birthday Party

What happened to sober fun?
Yesterday we celebrated my son's 7th birthday.  Since it is summertime, we decided to have a Pirate Party at the local splash pad.  We invited the children from his kindergarten class.  The kids came with parents in tow.  We had a great time.  In fact, the kids did not want to leave.  
We had sober fun.  
Reflecting on yesterday's party, I started to wonder, why so many adults believe the only way to have a party is with drugs and alcohol?  
Is it possible to have an outdoor barbeque without a cold beer?  
Can friends get together and watch the Super Bowl without alcohol?  
If I attend an outdoor music festival, must I smoke a bowl before I get there?  What has happened to the simplicity of having fun?

It is in the teen years that the word "party" changes its meaning. A teenager who hears the phrase, "party like a rock star" is not thinking of the partying of his elementary school years.  No, partying is a code term for getting high.  How does going to a party become "partying" in a matter of years?  I can think of two reasons: 
The first reason is it is the custom. The thinking that goes like this:  "Everyone is doing it.  A party is no fun without getting high.  Having a party means partying - getting wasted." 
A second reason is an inability to handle the challenges of life.  Life today is full of difficult situations - money problems, family issues, school troubles, etc.  Partying and zoning out become an escape from thinking about the challenges of daily life.  For some people this zoning out or escape from daily life through drug and alcohol use becomes an addiction.  The addiction becomes the daily problem.  
If you realize you are abusing drugs or alcohol or you know someone who is, there is help.  I am an addictions counselor specializing in helping people change.  If you would like more information on addictions or how to change contact me through my website:

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