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Friday, May 27, 2011

Musician James Taylor Attends Drug Court Graduation

The Following Article is taken from an email I received from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. 
Recovering Addict James Taylor Hugs a Drug Court Graduate
"Five-time Grammy winner James Taylor left his current tour to pay homage to Drug Court graduates at a National Drug Court Month commencement in Pinellas County, Florida yesterday. This singer joined NADCP, dozens of local dignitaries, and special guests at a ceremony honoring 100 graduates of the Pinellas County Adult Drug Court. 
Taylor spoke openly to graduates about his thirty year recovery from addiction and applauded the Drug Court for building a broad coalition of community support. “I am overwhelmed,” he told the crowd. “I am inspired to see the backbone of this community caring for its own. I never thought something like Drug Court was possible but seeing it in person has restored my hope in humanity.” Speaking directly to graduates he said, “Now you must give back to the community which has given so much to you. Thank you for letting me take away the inspiration of your company.”

The ceremony began on a celebratory note when presiding Judge Dee Anna Farnell strode to the podium and proclaimed, ‘Hello Clearwater!” The packed audience enthusiastically returned the salutation. Judge Farnell reiterated that the day belonged to the graduates and that everyone present was there to support them. "These 100 people have made such valiant attempts at rehabilitation, and now they have so many doors open to them,” she said before quoting from James Taylor’s 1977 song The Secret of Life. “They have learned that ‘the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.’"

To learn more about the Drug Court program check out the NADCP Website:

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